Project: Short Track Presents: Five Flags!
In the world of Super Late Model racing, there are only a handful of tracks that host prestigious racing events with a National appeal to the very best in the Super Late Model arena. One of those elite events is the Annual 300-lap "Snowball Derby" held at Five Flags Speedway in Pensacola, Florida every year in the first week of December in front of enthusiastic sellout crowds.
While there have been a few previous versions of Five Flags Speedway for NR2003, there has never been one with the kind of "over-the-top" attention to detail that we provide in this new PROJECT: Short Track offering of this important and very fast half-mile Florida short track. In our latest release of influential American short tracks, we are offering 3 different versions for your short track racing enjoyment:
A unique "DUSK-TO-NIGHT (DTN) version where the sky starts out with a beautiful Florida sunset sky and slowly transitions to a full dark nighttime sky during the race. This very cool looking feature has never been attempted before for an NR2003 short track.
DAY version of the track.
Standard NIGHT version (For end users whose PCs are not powerful enough to run the DTN version.) This version features an early evening sky for Practice, Qualifying and Happy Hour and then a full night sky for race mode.
Now NR2003 short track Super Late Model Stock racing enthusiasts can run their very own Snowball Derby with a starting field of 32 cars. In our "trademark PST style", we have made pain-staking efforts to recreate every detail and all of the ambiance of the racing facility's buildings, grandstands and surroundings to look as close to how it looked at the 2023 version of the Snowball Derby. We didn't just stop with the graphics and objects though. Pit Road and the A.I. have been totally re-tooled to offer a truly satisfying racing experience. Also included are good baseline setups to get you competitive or use to dial in your own adjustments to suit your personal driving styles.
I want to recognize my friends Justin Devane and Steve Branstetter who created the original Five Flags Speedway (Five_Flags_J9 ) for NR2003, 18 years ago in 2006. Another update to the J9 version was made by Robert Panko in 2016. These new PST updated versions of Five Flags 2023 PST used that original 2006 track as a base, although it now bares practically no resemblance to it's original predecessor. Also, PST team members Ben Althen, Mike Ehresman, Denis Rioux, Ian Smythe, Carl Sundberg and Wayne Anderson all have spent considerable time making miscellaneous contributions to this and mostly all PST projects. PLEASE be sure to read the CREDITS README file provided with the track for more detailed info on other contributors and how to get the best racing experience from Five Flags 2023 PST.
As always, we want to thank you all for your support over the years and hope that you will enjoy many hours of great short track racing on our version of Five Flags Speedway!!!
J.R. Franklin and The PROJECT: Short Track Development Team
with Ben Althen, Mike Ehresman, Denis Rioux, Ian Smythe, Carl Sundberg and Wayne Anderson.
Five_Flags_2023d_PST.7z (Day)
Five_Flags_2023n_PST.7z (Night)
Five_Flags_2023dtn_PST.7z (Dusk to Night)